In-Kind Donations

Gift In-Kind Donations

In-kind donations are non-monetary gifts (including goods, property, or services) that are dedicated to MACSA with aim to support our patients, their families and our mission in development of palliative care in Iran.

Your in-kind donations can be named to one who you decide to dedicate your assistance to or a loved one who you want to donate in memory of. If you prefer that your name not to be noted on your gifts, please notify us.

MACSA Office of charitable donations records your in-kind donations in MACSA Donors Database, valuates them and issues the receipt of your donation containing the type of gift and the value. MACSA does not provide individuals with tax certificates. We recommend that donors seek the advice of their own legal, tax, or financial professionals in connection with gift matters.

A suggested list of in-kind donations follows. please contact us prior to purchase to check the type and numbers of our needs. As well you may discuss your own preferences through contact with MACSA donation experts.

Group Instances
Consumables Ostomy Bags

Blood glucose test strips

Lymphedema gloves, sucks and bondage

Devices and Equipment (Clinic, Homecare, Survivorship) Pulse Oximeter

Oxygen Concentrator

Suction Devices

Pressure Mattresses & Pumps



Diagnostic and Monitoring devices

Property All kind of property or facility or opportunity of development of our facilities all around Iran are welcomed.
Services Subject related Blogging (in Persian or English)

Translation (from Persian to English / From other languages to Persian)

Fundraising activities

Research collaboration

Educational collaboration