
MACSA’s vision, aspiration, ultimate goal and hope is to achieve a society that is capable, satisfied and calm the face of cancer-related changes in order to have a happy life.

  1. Having the potential and ability to use all actual and potential individual, interpersonal and social resources to maximize coping and adaptation and compatibility with cancer.
  2. Hopeful and realistic acceptance of cancer, its complications and prognosis with active confrontation with the disease.
  3. Free of physical, psychological, social and spiritual suffering associated with cancer

Mission statement

MACSA operates at the national level with the belief in and adherence to Islam.  We interpret our activity as a prelamination to the rise of the equality, peace and justice to the world as is believed to come true with the arrival of the savior of the humanity, Imam Mahdi.

MACSA defines its mission in two areas of 1) comprehensive management of supportive and palliative care and 2) leadership in provision of comprehensive palliative and supportive care services in Iran, utilizing both leadership and executive approaches. Cancer patients, their families and caregivers, people at risk of cancer, clinicians, heath policy makers and all with a role related to cancer are considered as potential recipients of our services.


  • Improving the quality of life of cancer patients and their families;
  • Improving the quality of death following cancer;
  • Managing the multisided personal, social, physical, psychological, spiritual and economic crises of the patient and his or her family;
  • Supporting the patient and the family to face and cope with life changes related to a cancer diagnosis;
  • Control of all physical, psychological, social, spiritual distresses related to cancer in the patient and his family;
  • Provision of specialized services completely free of charge.

The basic principles of MACSA Care Services for the patient and his/her family are as follows:

  1. Relieving pain and other annoying symptoms of the disease and treatment;
  2. Valuing life and considering death as a natural process;
  3. makes no attempt to hasten or delay death;
  4. Performing psychological and spiritual care;
  5. Providing the most active life possible for the patient until death;
  6. Supporting the patient’s family during illness and grief;
  7. Respond to all the needs of the patient and the family, including counseling about death and mourning with a team approach;
  8. Increasing the quality of life of the patient and family, possibly with positive effect on the course of disease;
  9. Is not limited to terminal phase of disease, but should be initiated as soon as the diagnosis is made and continuous all over the course of disease;
  10. Performing the studies needed to better understand and manage the annoying complications and symptoms.


MACSA adheres to the following policies at all stages of decision-making, planning, actions, communication and efforts:

  • Honoring patients, their families, and clinicians;
  • Design and implementation of systems, theoretical foundations, plans and programs conforming to the principles of the religion of Islam;
  • Utilization of information and communication technology as a driving force (and not just support) in management and provision of services;
  • Adherence to ethics in all activities, relationships and content;
  • turning from execution to leadership;
  • Focusing on positive competition: supporting the development of care services in the country by others and do not hinder them in order to maintain the organization’s position in the country;
  • Focus on the needs of the target population rather than acting based on personal desire;
  • Establishment of national and international communication and collaboration with other institutions with similar missions;
  • Establishment of mechanisms for reception, and application of feedback from clients and employees;
  • Non-discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, religion and nationality in provision of services;
  • Focusing on endogenous development and strengthening the inner resources of MACSA;
  • Continuous review and evaluation of activities to comply with principles of Islam, laws and policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran and MACSA strategic documents;
  • adherence to purposefulness in affairs, avoiding politicking and politicization, and patience in performing tasks;
  • Protection of all rights of MACSA;
  • alignment of the goals and programs with national health policies;
  • Avoiding parallel work and paying attention to the overlooked priorities of cancer care in Iran.